lone survivor | 5.26.2005 | Permalink | Comment(s) | latest | about | site feed |

ISO200 | f/4.5 | 1/160 | 29mm | previous | next |
the title pertains to the actual image itself. read on to find out why.
1. i opened RAW converter software to process a few "may 25" images. at the same time i am browsing my recent folders in ACDSee to check if there are some more images waiting to be posted. there is none. the multi-tasking in me suggested that i should also upload yesterday's images sitting on my CF card.
2. selected the images in my CF in windows explorer and hit Ctrl+C to copy. navigated to my main images folder and created a new folder for the new images. decided to switch window to continue processing some images in my RAW converter.
3. switched to ACDSee to process the newly converted images. switched to explorer and deleted all the images in the CF card except one. i don't know but for some reason i always leave one folder inside the CF, and usually leave one image inside the folder so it's not empty. don't ask why i do it, i don't no either. :(
4. stopped and unplugged the USB card reader
5. went back to my images folder and tried hitting Ctrl+V to paste all the images I copied in memory. what do you expect? windows can't paste it because the source location is no longer available.
6. plugged the CF card again, only to realize that I already deleted the images except one. hence today's title.
this is my first shot of yesterday's sunset. it's captured in JPG. i switched to RAW after 3 images, but all those RAW images are gone. shots of downtown with orange casts and reflections everywhere, and shots of the CN building with orange clouds hovering above and behind it :(